Tales From a Diamond Jewelry Store: The Valley Of The Diamonds

by | Dec 26, 2014 | Jewelry, Shopping

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Confucius once wrote, “Better a diamond with a flaw, than a pebble without.” This is how many individuals feel about diamonds. The overall fascination of many people with this gemstone certainly accounts for why a diamond jewelry store in Savage MN and those throughout other American towns and cities have tended to do well over the past century.

Why a Diamond Jewelry Store is Popular

There is little doubt that diamonds are popular. While this has not always been the case with engagement or wedding rings, it has certainly been true for other rings Royalty have worn in the past. Queen Elizabeth I loved her diamond rings as had her father, Henry VIII and Agnes, the Mistress to Charles VII of France. The rarity of the gem until the late 18th century helped increase interest in diamonds. Yet, what piqued the wealthy and influential of all ages were the legends behind the gemstone.

The Valley of the Diamonds

Like any popular gemstone, diamonds carries with it several tales of adventure and mystery, although some may be unheard of in Savage MN and in other cities in America. It has its own mythology. Among them are tales of a valley where diamonds lay waiting for anyone brave enough to pick them up.

One long standing tale concerned the rumored Valley of Diamonds. It was said that only Alexander the Great have ever visited it. According to the writings of his teacher, Aristotle, Alexander could not persuade anyone to enter it. He had to toss down flesh into the valley. Birds picked up the flesh to which the diamonds stuck. He then ordered his men to follow the birds and pick up the diamonds as they fell.

In the weaving of her tales for the Arab Prince, Scheherazade related in A Thousand and One nights a tale focusing on the escapades of Sinbad. He was dropped into The Valley of Diamonds by a large bird. He managed to fight against the poisonous snakes that twisted in and around the diamonds. After grabbing pocketfuls of diamonds, he grabbed the nearest bird out.

One of the more intriguing mentions of The Valley of Diamonds is found in the works of Marco Polo. He mentions a valley in the Kingdom of Matupali. In it and the surrounding mountains, diamonds were found lying around. The problem was the poisonous snakes that were everywhere. Like Alexander, the solution Marco Polo found was to toss down meat. The eagles that fed off the snakes swooped up the flesh and the diamonds stuck to it. Marco Polo’s guides then caught the ones that fell off.

While, today, a diamond jewelry store in Savage MN is unlikely to obtain its stock from The Valley of the Diamonds, it does owe much to these tales. Such legends and mythology served to bolster the interest and fascination of what has become one of the most popular gemstones in the world.

When shopping in a Diamond Jewelry Store in Savage MN, be aware of the need for quality in both the product and the service. You are sure to receive the best of both in Christensen Jewelers.