2 Key Signs That Rodent Control Services in Olympia, WA, are Needed

by | Feb 19, 2020 | Pest Control Service

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Rodents can cause quite a bit of damage. Even if the homeowner doesn’t notice droppings or food containers that are gnawed through, there could still be mice or rats in the home. Here are two of the other key signs that it’s time to call one of the rodent control services in Olympia, WA, and find out how severe the infestation happens to be.

Damaged Insulation

One visit to the attic is all it takes to verify that the insulation is in poor condition. That’s because rodents find that insulation is ideal for making nests. It’s also a great place to deposit waste. Before the ruined insulation can lead to more problems, it’s important to have a professional treat the home and replace the now-worthless insulation.

An Odor That Won’t Go Away

No matter how well the homeowner cleans the place, there’s still an odor in the house. Rodents leaving waste in the insulation and other parts of the home caused that odor. Once the infestation is resolved, it will be possible to clean those areas and get rid of the insulation that’s likely soaked with waste at this point. After the changes are made, that offending odor will be gone.

Never take a possible infestation lightly. Call one of the local rodent control services in Olympia, WA, and find out what needs to be done. The right treatment will prevent further damage to the home and also make it healthier place to live.

Contact Business Name to arrange for a full pest control inspection and possible treatment.