Month: January 2019

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Hair Loss: Symptoms and Treatment

About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any given time. That balances out the hundred or hairs you lose every day. However, as you get older, your hair’s growth rate slows down, the WebMD says. That’s when hair loss conditions happen. Symptoms Losing...

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Balance Problems: 5 Things to Know

If you’re feeling dizzy and the world seems to be spinning around you, then you may be suffering from balance problems. Go to a doctor and have this checked out as soon as possible. What to expect When you pay a visit to your doctor, expect to get asked about your...

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Important Facts About Lyme Disease

Do you need to see a Lyme disease specialist? The first question that you should be asking is what is Lyme disease and how exactly can it affect you? The first thing that you need to know is that Lyme disease is a condition caused by Borrelia burgdorferi; if that...

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