3 Brake Rotor Questions You May Be Reluctant to Ask During a Service Visit

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Auto Repair

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Most people don’t think about their brake rotors until there’s a problem but ignoring these important components can be an expensive mistake. Below, you’ll learn which questions car owners are afraid to ask during brake service in Jacksonville, FL.

What Causes Rotors to Crack?

Brake rotors typically don’t crack from hitting potholes or curbs; rather, they break because of rapid temperature fluctuations and mechanical stress. As a vehicle’s brakes are applied, the rotors heat and expand, and as the calipers release, they contract and cool. Replacement rotors are designed with features to manage heat stress more effectively.

Are There Any Requirements or Safety Certifications for Rotors?

No, unfortunately. Replacement brake rotors aren’t tested by the government. For new cars and trucks, the DOT tests brakes on fully assembled vehicles, which must stop below specified distances under varying loads, pedal pressures, and scenarios. However, manufacturers must engineer their rotors to work as well or better than the OEM units.

Can Corrosion Ruin a Rotor?

Yes, it can. Excessive corrosion may lead to structural failure. Furthermore, excessive wear will increase the chances of serious issues that require the need for brake service in Jacksonville, FL.

Call Today for Quality Brake Service in Jacksonville

While they’re typically out of sight and out of mind, brake rotors are an important component of your car’s braking system. Give them the care they need by scheduling brake service in Jacksonville, FL with web. Call Big Chief Tire or click today for more information or to book an appointment.