3 Critical Benefits of Recycling in Long Island, NY

by | Aug 17, 2018 | Uncategorized

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Like people all over the planet, Long Island citizens are worried about the effects human-driven pollution is having on the earth. As a result, residents work closely with companies like V. Garofalo Carting Inc. to create recycling plans. Programs that encourage Recycling in Long Island NY are helping to protect natural resources, ecosystems and animal life. Communities actively participate in reduce, reuse, and recycling efforts that improve the quality of human life.

Recycling Protects Wildlife and Ecosystems

Community recycling efforts help guard important natural resources. Recycling in Long Island NY reduces the number of raw materials that need to be taken from the earth to create new products from scratch. There is less need to grow and harvest trees. Manufacturing with existing materials lessens destructive processes like deforestation that destroy entire ecosystems while eliminating habitats essential for wildlife. Recycling minimizes the pollution that harms plants and animals.

Recycling Helps Protect Humans

Citizens also support recycling programs to create a healthier environment for humans. Many animals living in forest regions lose their homes when manufacturers destroy natural resources. Recycling can reduce and eventually eliminate the problem. Making new products from recycled items creates much less industrial pollution than manufacturing from raw materials. Repurposing materials like metal, paper, and plastic minimize the need to dam up or pollute rivers in the search for raw materials. Materials that are reused do not end up washing up on coastlines and ruining natural beauty. Recycling minimizes the number of landfills in communities, which frees up land for greener, healthier purposes.

Recycling Conserves Important Resources

Businesses and individuals also recycle to conserve limited supplies of critical natural resources. Recycling wood helps to save millions of trees. That is essential because it is not possible to recreate ancient woodlands or rain forests. Re-purposing plastic reduces the need for fossil fuels. Metal recycling cuts down on expensive mining processes that damage the earth and conserves ore supplies. Manufacturing with recycled materials also uses less sand, water, and electricity.

Active community recycling programs are helping to protect and conserve natural resources. Recycling also protects humans and animals from toxic manufacturing effects and byproducts.