Web design is deceptively difficult to some, but others can see exactly how difficult it is from the get go. But either way it always turns out somehow more difficult than they otherwise were expecting. You have to simultaneously be a coding expert as well as a design genius to make a website that really breaks out and captures people’s attention in today’s market. So what goes into web development and design to get such results? If you are wondering what the most essential elements of web development in Minneapolis, here they are in no particular order.
Guide the Eye
Any well designed website is structured and designed for one true goal: to guide the eye. This is the fine line between success and failure when it comes to the development of your website. Everything you design your site on, needs to revolve around the idea of guiding the eye of your user to where they need to go. Whether it be the search bar, the cart button, or whatever the main function of your site may be, the user’s eye needs to be guided straight there. For inspiration, it’s recommended you look at baroque paintings, and study how they guide your eye to the subject of the piece.
Empty Space Can Be Useful
One would think that filling up every inch of space with information would be the correct way to go, and this is understandable. Empty space can, after all, seem like a waste. However, proper spacing, and knowing when to leave well enough alone and leave it blank, can actually be one of the best decisions you can make. Too much information crunched into one space can actually hurt the eyes, make it harder to process information, and generally screw up whatever message you were trying to convey in the first place. So give your info room to breathe so that the viewer can properly take it all in. Spacing can be the best tool in your digital toolbox, but only if you use it right.
Navigation and Orientation
Navigation refers to where you can go, whereas orientation refers to where you are now. One of the most important tenets of web development and design is making sure the user always knows exactly where they are and where they can go at one time. If they feel like they’re lost, or have no idea how to get from place to place, they will leave and not even think twice. Nothing turns a user off more than feeling lost on a site. So make sure that as you develop your site that you know that the user will be able to find their way around without any trouble.