3 Reasons to Go Digital with Your Security Log Book this Year

by | Apr 25, 2021 | Software Company

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Is your security team still writing every report out by hand? Would they need to sort through piles of paper logs to identify visitors that entered the building on a specific day last month? If so, you probably already know that the day you upgrade to a digital security log book will come sooner or later. Some businesses make that leap in the aftermath of a chaotic tragedy, but there are some reasons you should do it this year without waiting for that catastrophic reminder.

1. Instantly know who to turn away.

When you enter a visitor’s name into a digital security log book, the system will tell you immediately if the name is on a blacklist. It can also check for credentials or tell the security guard if the person is approved for entry. Your security team will have an easier time determining who to admit into the building and who to turn away, keeping everyone inside safer.

2. Records are fast and easy to search.

Forget about thumbing through paper logbooks to find visitor lists or written reports. Everything is searchable when you go digital. That saves time, money, and potentially lives.

3. Fraudulent, lost, and damaged records are less likely to occur.

It’s much more difficult to lose, damage, or fraudulently alter records and reports that are in a digital logbook. Security personnel can fill out paperwork faster with less worry of knocking a coffee over on the desk or other small mistakes that lead to big problems.

To learn more about one of the most robust and intuitive digital logbooks for security personnel, connect with TryLogbook.