3 Reasons Why Your Protection Dog Should Be a German Shepherd

by | May 6, 2019 | Pets

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While you have a dog for other reasons, it never hurts to have a pet that can also provide protection. Many people find that the German Shepherd protection dog is a great choice. Here are a few of the reasons why you should consider this breed for your home.

High Level of Loyalty

German shepherds are known to be extremely loyal. They have a tendency to bond with their owners and consider them to be pack members. That’s as close as you can get in a dog’s mind to being a family member. The degree of loyalty the dog develops for you and your family make the pet an idea choice for protection.

That loyalty also extends to your property. While the dog will allow people that you indicate are safe onto the property, others will find it very hard to get close to the house. That’s a good thing when someone attempts to break in under cover of night.

German Shepherds Learn Commands Quickly

This breed also picks up on commands quickly. That’s important, since it will only take one word from you to alert the German Shepherd protection dog that you are in distress. Depending on the word you use, the dog may get between you and the threat, initiate an attack, or take steps to get you out of the way of danger.

They React When You Can’t

What happens if you are asleep and a threat occurs? How about situations where you are incapacitated and can’t issue a command? Rest assured that your German Shepherd protection dog is capable of assessing the situation and taking action without any hesitation. This breed is confident, fearless, and swift to take action if any member of the pack is in danger.

Would you like to know more about German Shepherds and why they make great protection dogs? Talk with a trainer today and find out more about what this breed has to offer. Along with being affectionate and loyal, you can bet that your personal safety is enhanced when your dog is close by.