3 Signs You are Clenching Your Teeth When You Sleep

by | May 10, 2019 | Medical Equipment

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If you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep, you are encouraged to see a medical professional. Eventually, these actions are going to catch up to your jaw joints. When it occurs often enough, the result is TMJ. Additionally, it can lead to other unnecessary discomforts like headaches, pain and muscle spasms. A trained dental professional offer Teeth Clenching Treatment in Tampa, FL as well as education and prevention tips.

Here are three signs you may be clenching your teeth while you sleep.

Headaches and Migraines

The source of headaches and migraines is difficult to diagnose. Your doctor will go through a list of possibilities. If you do not realize you are clenching your teeth, it may take a while to figure out. Your dentist, on the hand, will be able to tell when he visually examines your teeth, gums and mouth, because it shows on your teeth’s surface. If he notices, he will ask you. At that point, the pieces may come together, and appropriate treatment will be offered, thereafter.

Limited Jaw Mobility

When you eat or speak, and you feel like you have limited jaw mobility, it may be a sign that you are clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep. There is no real reason why you should feel soreness or experience limited jaw mobility if you have not been involved in an accident. Age does not cause limited mobility, either. Once you realize that this is happening too often, see a medical professional for a diagnosis and possible treatment.

Ear Pain

Issues occurring among your teeth and mouth can lead to issues in other areas of your body. Clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep will eventually lead to ear problems. A medical can offer Teeth Clenching Treatment Tampa FL.