3 Things to Consider When Searching for a Car Accident Lawyer in St. Petersburg, FL

by | Jun 22, 2018 | Auto Accidents Lawyer

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If you have recently been in a car accident, you are probably confused and unsure where to turn next. The first thing you need to do after being cleared by your doctor to go home is find a reputable car accident lawyer in St. Petersburg, FL. However, you don’t need to hire the first lawyer your finger lands on in the Yellow Pages. Instead, you need to consider the things below before making a final decision.

Remember Experience Counts

One of the first things to consider when it comes to hiring a car accident lawyer in St. Petersburg, FL, is the amount of experience the attorney has. Also, it’s important to hire a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law. After all, you wouldn’t hire a TV repairman to fix your roof, would you? Then why would you hire a real estate attorney to handle your personal injury case?

Consider the Reputation

Any personal injury attorney you choose should be well-known, well-respected and well-liked in your area. Not only should the attorney be respected by the lawyers in his field, but he should also have a good reputation with the clients he has served. You can find this out by reading reviews on social media and the reviews on their website.

You Must Have Trust

When you are searching for the right car accident lawyer in St. Petersburg, FL, trust between you and that lawyer is extremely important. When you go in for a consultation, it’s critical to gauge the trust level you think you will have with the lawyer you are considering retaining. If you feel you wouldn’t be comfortable using that attorney at any time, you should politely excuse yourself and move to the next attorney on your list.

For more information on finding a reputable car accident lawyer in St. Petersburg, FL.