5 Uses For Sheet Metal

by | Sep 10, 2014 | Machinery Tools

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Metal is all around us, but it hasn’t always been that way. Until technological advances led to the invention of mild steel in the mid nineteenth century, metal was expensive and laborious to produce. The Bessemer process made steel production much quicker, and soon sheet metal became an essential construction tool. Metal held together by sheet metal screws from NYC can be seen all around us, and the versatility of sheet metal means that it’s contributed to more than you may think. Here are 5 uses for sheet metal.

Automotive Excellence

Without sheet metal, we wouldn’t have the incredible cars and trucks that we have today. It’s impossible to imagine how different our world would be without motorized transport, but the first recognizable automobiles were only invented around 129 years ago. Sheet metal, fastened with sheet metal screws from NYC, make up everything from the famous yellow taxi cabs to powerful muscle cars that produce over 700 horse power, as well as the articulated trucks that carry our food across the continent.

Flying Machines

Our great great grandparents would have laughed at the idea of man being able to fly, but now it’s become commonplace. Air travel has made the world a smaller place, and opened our eyes to new cultures and new ways of doing things. When we take a flight, do we really consider that we’re being shuttled through the sky in a pressurized cylinder with wings and fuselage covered in metal sheets?

Life Saving Body Armor

We’ve all seen pictures of knights in full body armor. It looks incredibly cumbersome, but it was widely used and offered outstanding protection in hand to hand combat. These early suits of armor were made by highly skilled blacksmiths, but the concept of using a strong sheet of metal was at the core. Today, sheet metal is still being used for armored vests used by our troops and law enforcement officers.

Construction Materials

The last two centuries have seen an explosion in the population of the United States, and so it’s important that the construction industry could keep pace. One important aid to the construction and expansion of our cities, was an advance in air tool technology. Streets, highways and foundations could now be dug quicker than ever before. Sheet metal was also important. Today you’ll find it in roofing and guttering, where metal is held in place by sheet metal screws from NYC and beyond. Sheet metal can also be found in interior fittings, making our homes more comfortable, affordable, and luxurious.

Equestrian Adornments

Do you love horse riding? People across the United States find it a perfect pastime, as well as a greener form of transport. Sheet metal is used for horse tack and breast plates, for horse riders who want their mount to make a great impression.

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