Repairing The Veins With Endovenous Chemical Ablation In Metro Albuquerque, New Mexico

by | Sep 24, 2014 | Health

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Varicose veins are a concern for many women. These are the thick, ropey looking veins usually found on the legs. The distorted veins are caused by heart valve problems many experts think may be inherited. Other factors include weak vein walls and pregnancy. Pregnancy adds pressure on leg veins because the mother is carrying the extra weight of the fetus. Likewise, obesity, chronic constipation or any condition that causes straining may play a role. Varicose veins cause symptoms like aching, pain and burning and may lead to a disfigured leg.

Varicose vein treatments have come a long way. Years ago, most vein treatments were invasive. One of the most common procedures to repair varicose veins is endovenous chemical ablation. If you are looking for a doctor who performs Endovenous Chemical Ablation in Albuquerque Metro NM, check the website of the Vein Center. If you browse around this website, you’ll learn all about varicose veins and treatments. During an endovenus chemical ablation, the doctor injects a solution known as a sclerosant into the veins using guidance from an ultrasound. The sclerosant goes into the vein and damages it. Eventually, the vein closes and disappears. The ultrasound helps the doctor find the exact veins that are causing major problems.

Recovery from this procedure is instant and most patients don’t require pain medicine. Patients are asked to avoid strenuous activity, like heavy lifting, for a couple of weeks. Patients with more serious issues may require a microphlebectomy. During this procedure, the patient is given a local anesthetic. The doctor makes tiny incisions in the pre-mapped veins. The local anesthetic does double duty. The patient feels no pain and it helps remove the blood from the vein. Indeed, blood drains from the veins and the vein collapses.

Afterwards, the doctor pulls the vein out. Patients also recover quickly from a microphlebectomy. There will be a small amount of bruising and the incisions may be a little painful. Finally, patients are required to wear compression stockings for 21 days. Compression increases blood flow in the good veins so there’s no risk of blood clots. Varicose vein treatment is virtually pain-free and people who need treatment should call a vein doctor.