Eye Diseases Treatment to Preserve Vision

by | Oct 6, 2014 | Eyeglasses, Optometrists

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The eyes are one of the most important parts of the body. When a disease begins to affect the eyes, a person’s vision can be severely impaired. It’s important for people to regularly visit their optometrist. Not only will they help with vision testing, but they’ll also diagnose, manage, and treat a number of different eye diseases. Their professional Eye Diseases Treatment can help people manage their condition to preserve their eyesight for as long as possible.

One of the most common eye diseases is cataracts. While cataracts predominantly affects the elderly, trauma can cause the issue to arise in anyone. It occurs when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. It leads to a decrease in vision. If left untreated, those with cataracts can become fully blind. A vision center can easily catch the disease in its early stages and correct it. This is done with relatively easy outpatient surgery.

Glaucoma is another common issue that can lead to permanent blindness. The disease affects the optical nerves. The nerves can easily become damaged without a person’s knowledge. It is not immediately noticeable, especially in the early stages. The damaged nerves slowly affect vision, going unnoticed until severe damage is done. The disease often comes from pressure inside the eye. If the disease is detected early, optometrists can help to minimize nerve damage and save a patient’s vision.

Conjunctivitis is a common issue, especially among younger children. Better known as “pink eye,” the disease doesn’t affect vision. It does, however, lead to extreme discomfort in the eye. The outermost layer becomes inflamed, causing irritation and itchiness. The inner surface of the eyelid also becomes inflamed, causing the eye to become red and swollen. It is usually caused by some sort of allergen or bacterial infection, hence why it is so common among children. An eye treatment center can easily provide medication and antibiotics to quickly heal the condition.

Eye Diseases Treatment can help people save their vision. Conditions with the eye can be detrimental to one’s overall health and vision. An eye care center, like Family Vision Center, will help to find the issue early on. They’ll then be able to treat and manage a number of conditions, helping people see clearly for many years to come.
