Tips for Recovering from Oral Surgery

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Dental Services

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Having surgery involves a lengthy process from start to finish. It may rectify the problem, but not before evoking a painful recovery process. Oral Surgery is no exception. Before anyone undergoes surgery on their mouth, they should be sure to discover a few tips on how to recover as quickly as possible.

Eat Soft Foods Only
After receiving surgery, the mouth will be extremely sore. This makes eating difficult. To avoid as much pain as possible, only soft foods should be eaten. Biting down on something even remotely hard will send pain through the mouth and cause extreme discomfort. It may even prolong the healing process. Soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, ice cream, soup, and yogurt, are all that is to be eaten until the mouth is healed and capable of chewing harder foods once again.

Utilize Ice Packs
Ice packs are going to be the best friend of anyone recovering from oral surgery. Not only do they keep the mouth feeling numb to lessen some of the pain, but they also help reduce any swelling. Using ice packs often will help the healing process move along faster.

Take Vitamins
Healing can be done easier with the help of vitamins. Certain vitamins contain antioxidants that help fight off disease and sickness in the body. Vitamin C and Vitamin A are both ideal sources. By taking these vitamins, or eating foods with these vitamins in them, the healing process will be helped along tremendously.

Skip the Straws
Any type of sucking motion, such as from straws or even smoking, can cause the blood clot in the extraction site to become dislodged. To avoid this, anyone recovering from oral surgery needs to skip the straws and cease to smoke for at least twenty-four hours, and longer if possible.

Oral Surgery is a difficult process that requires multiple weeks of recovery. By following these tips, anyone currently recovering surgery will be able to heal in no time and recover with as little pain and difficulty as possible. By avoiding straws and cigarettes, taking vitamins, using ice packs, and only eating soft foods, patients recovering from surgery of the mouth will be back to themselves in no time.
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