Many individuals have no idea where to start when it comes to disability insurance. It can be a very challenging time as it is without worrying about how to file all of the paperwork according to standards and regulations. On the other hand, some individuals believe that they will automatically get approved and there will be no bumps in the road. If you think that it is a sure thing, then you probably should think again.
Disability Denials
There are individuals who get denied their disability and are not sure why. They believe that they have been injured and deserve compensation for their losses. While they may be correct, there are specific reasons why they might not be approved right away. The number one reason that some people do not get approved for disability insurance is due to income. If you make more than $1,090 monthly, your claim will be denied automatically.
If there has ever been a time where you have been addicted to drugs or alcohol or have served time in prison, you will also be automatically denied. These are important factors to remember when you are filing for SSI.
Tips for a Successful Case
While there is no sure fire way to ensure that you are going to win your SSI case, there are some factors that could make it a bit more likely. Don’t be surprised if your claim is denied on the first try, it happens to most people who apply.
* Find out from your physician if they plan on supporting your disability case and make sure they fill out a detailed statement supporting your claim.
*Each time you have to appeal your case, make sure you submit copies of all of your medical records.
*Give your full cooperation to the disability claims worker who is responsible for your case. This means responding to all correspondence such as letters and phone calls.
*Keep track of all of your deadlines as to not miss a court date or turn in paperwork at the appropriate time.
*Hire disability lawyers in El Monte who can help you properly file and increase your chances of winning your case.
It is not always easy to win a disability case, but when you hire an attorney who specializes in social security and disability laws, you increase your chances of receiving the outcome that you had hoped for.
If you are looking for qualified disability lawyers in El Monte, then stop your search with the Law Offices of Norman J. Homen. Visit their website to learn more about how they can help.