How Are Veneers in Macon, GA Fitted?

by | Mar 15, 2021 | Dentistry

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A dental veneer is a porcelain cap that fits over a patient’s original tooth to correct several issues. For a veneer to look natural, the original tooth has to be shaved back so the veneer will sit at the same level as other teeth for a flawless smile.

The First Stage

The preparation and placement of veneers are essential. The first step involves a consultation with the dentist, who will offer prices and explain what is involved in correcting the patient’s dental problems. Prior to the procedure, the patient’s teeth and gums are numbed, and a thin layer of the tooth’s surface is shaved off. The dentist will also shave off the same thickness of tooth as the veneer to make sure that the veneer is not noticeable.

The Second Stage

Once the teeth are prepared, an impression of the mouth is made with dental putty. A mold of the teeth is created, and the Veneers in Macon, GA will be designed from the image to ensure they will fit the mouth exactly. Once the mold comes back, the patient and dentist discuss the shape and color of the veneer.

The Third Stage

Prior to the veneers being fitted, preparation is done to make the teeth more receptive to bonding. The surface of the tooth enamel is roughened with an etching gel to create a firmer bond with the veneer.

Dental cement is then used to fit the veneer, and the dentist uses a light that permeates the veneer and helps to speed up the curing process. Finally, excess cement is trimmed away, and the veneer is polished to a shape the patient is happy with. The patient and dentist will agree on the best shape and size for the patient’s teeth. Once the veneers are trimmed and polished, the patient is sure to have achieved their desired smile. Contact Providence Dental Spa for more information. You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates!