If you discover that bees have taken up residence around your property, it is important to take precautions to avoid irritating the bees, which can result in them swarming/attacking. You must ensure that you do not disturb or tease the bees, and do not attempt to remove the bees by yourself. While you might feel as though you are capable of facilitating a hive removal, it is imperative that you find someone who is educated in bee extermination, especially when it comes to queen bee removal.
The Role of the Queen Bee
The term “queen bee” is typically used to reference an adult female that lives in a honey bee colony, particularly the one who is the mother of most, if not all, of the bees in the beehive. The queens live to lay lots of eggs and they produce a chemical scent that helps regulate the unity of the colony.
The most important aspect of having bees removed is the process of queen bee removal. If the queen bee stays active in the hive, the pheromones that she releases will call any remaining bees back to the location, and they will begin to rebuild their colony very quickly.
Identifying the Queen Bee in the Hive
There are a few characteristics of a queen bee that can be identified to ensure that an effective queen bee removal can take place. First of all, the queen bee is noticeably larger than the other bees in the hive, and she has a visibly more pointed abdomen than the worker or drone bees. Another identifying characteristic of the queen is that she can repeatedly sting without dying, as she does not have a barb on her stinger (like worker and drone bees have).
When you hire someone to perform a professional queen bee removal in Anthem, AZ, they are going to know exactly how to identify and effectively relocate the queen bee away from the hive.
Visit the website maximumexterminating.com for more information on the removal of bees.