The Importance of Using Professional Mold Elimination Services in Alexandria VA to Solve a Hazardous Problem

by | Nov 17, 2016 | Pest Control

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When the news media talks about hidden dangers lurking in a home, they often bring up black mold. This toxic substance is commonly found in the most obscure, overlooked places. These areas are typically secluded or hidden from sight with just the right atmospheric conditions present to harbor excess moisture. The unsuspecting growth of black mold can quickly become a very dangerous situation. Considering that this substance is hazardous to one’s health and can lead to extensive structural damage, homeowners should never attempt to remove it on their own. This situation calls for the skills of professional Mold Elimination Services in Alexandria VA.

In many homes, people mistake mold for mildew. This is in part due to the misconception that mold only forms after catastrophic water damage. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take a flood to invite the growth of this fungus. Mildew itself can form in areas with minor excess moisture so many homeowners view this as a rather common occurrence. They think nothing of attempting to personally clean it up and can quickly create a dangerous situation if the supposed mildew is, in fact, mold.

The indoor growth of any type of fungus is nothing to take lightly, which is why the experts at companies like PMSI Mold Treatment Division offer free inspections. Whenever a suspicious area appears, these technicians can be called upon to examine the location and determine whether the problem can be eliminated through a chemical treatment or require more invasive removal practices. They can then formulate a free estimate that lays out exactly what the problem is and how is must be solved.

The professional Mold Elimination Services in Alexandria VA have two primary ways of eradication. The first involves a chemical treatment. This occurs if the area of growth is small enough that no structural damage has occurred. The chemicals used in the process are proven to kill all fungi and prevent any chance of regrowth. Although this may seem caustic, the chemicals are completely safe for use in the home. The second route involves the physical removal of contaminated structural components. The technicians are trained in safe removal practices and know how to install new, sanitary building materials in the damaged area. When the job is complete, the contaminated area will look as good as new. Why should anyone risk their health and tarnish the look of their home just to save a few dollars?