When a business owner notices there is a honey bee hive outside of their establishment, they will want to take the appropriate steps in removing it, so their customers are not at risk of injury. Most people will hire a pest control service to handle Honey Bee Control in Pittsburgh. When waiting for the service to arrive, there are a few ways those in the area can be protected from accidental stings. Here are some tips a business owner can use to ensure their customers remain safe when visiting their establishment.
Alert Customers Of The Presence Of The Hive
Using signs to a place near the bee hive will be helpful in informing those who visit the building not to get too close to it. A sign can be placed on an easel several feet away from the honey bee hive, so those in the area will know to take a different path when going to the building’s door. It is best to use dark, large print lettering so the sign can be read from a good distance away.
Provide Another Way For Customers To Get Inside
If the bee hive is located, relatively close to the main entryway to the building, it is a good idea for people to utilize another doorway to get to the inside if possible. Yellow tape can be used to rope off the area where the hive is located so people do not get too close to it when visiting the building.
Use Pesticides To Try Killing Bees
If the bee hive is to be eradicated instead of donated to a local beekeeper, the business owner may want to start the process in the elimination of bees in an attempt to minimize the number of inhabitants in the hive. A commercial product can be used during the early morning hours in an attempt to kill bees while they are nestled inside of the hive. It is best to wear white clothing when performing a spraying operation.
When there is a need for Honey Bee Control in Pittsburgh, a call to a service with plenty of experience with this species is best. The-Beeman is ready to take on the task of beehive removal. One can visit the website to find out more today!