Are Machines Taking Over Your Job?

by | Jan 25, 2017 | Contract Manufacturing

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Automatic processes and automation control panel manufacturers are very common these days. They help companies reduce labor costs and increase overall efficiency. In fact, some jobs may be in jeopardy of replacement in the near future. Here are some occupations which may soon become automated.

Bank Clerks

How many times have you ventured inside your bank in the past 12 months? If you are like most people, you rarely go inside and talk to a bank employee to conduct business. Most people prefer the convenience of automated teller machines or ATMs.

Some financial institutions are planning on installing video bank tellers. When you enter the bank, you are doing business with a machine. However, it may greet your good morning and tell you to have a good day. Although this may not be good for bank workers it may be good for automation control panel manufacturers.

Postal Workers

For many decades, post office workers have worked hard to bring the mail to people in the US, six days a week. Even though there is still a need to deliver snail mail, it is not like it used to be.

Most people correspond via email because it is much faster and cheaper. In fact, more and more people are going “paperless’ and paying most or all of their bills online. This is putting a major strain on the USPS. Look for more layoffs and cutbacks in the system in the future and more designs and products from automation control panel manufacturers and IT services.


Do you use the automated checkout option when you go to the grocery store, department store of home improvement center? These things are becoming more common and a dependable and easy way to purchase goods. The handwriting is on the wall for some occupations in the coming years.