It is normal to have nausea and even vomiting after experiencing Oral Surgery Gaithersburg. Before you leave for your oral surgery appointment, it is best to be prepared for nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Here are some tips from The Center For Jaw and Facial Surgery P.C. for patients about to undergo procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction, jaw surgery, biopsies in the mouth, chin implants, TMJ surgery, and many other procedures on the face or mouth.
Why Do Patients Have Upset Stomachs After Surgery?
You may become nauseous after surgery from one or a combination of factors. Most patients swallow some blood during the procedure. Depending on the procedure, gums or surgical areas in the mouth may slowly bleed for one to two days after surgery. Pain medicines may also cause nausea. Most procedures require you to fast so you have an empty stomach during the surgery. The combination of blood, anesthesia, and painkillers often is a recipe for queasiness.
Preparing Before Day of Surgery
It is recommended that patients undergoing oral surgery prepare for nausea or vomiting. Stock up on anti-nausea medications and rehydrating drinks like Pedialyte to prevent dehydrating if you start vomiting frequently. Find an old receptacle like a plastic bucket to put near your bed or couch to vomit in. Get ice packs ready to help with pain, swelling, and bleeding of the mouth. Make sure a friend or family member checks up on you within 24 hours after surgery to make sure you are okay.
When To Call the Oral Surgeon
If you have swallowed blood, your stools will turn black or very dark. This is normal and will stop in a few days. Vomiting brown substance is also normal since the brown stuff is dried blood. Bright red blood is fresh blood. Call your oral surgeon if you have any questions about what is normal and what is not. You may have trouble concentrating so have a friend or family member call for you if you feel too ill to talk on the phone.
To Prevent More Bleeding
Swallow as you would, even if blood is mixed in the saliva. Spitting or rinsing after Oral Surgery in Effingham IL will cause the wounds to bleed. If bleeding continues 72 hours or more after surgery, call your oral surgeon. Browse site for more details.