If you’re considering a dental crown in Cary IL, or any other location across the country, it’s important to understand what the advantages and disadvantages are. That way you can make a more informed decision. Of course, your dentist will explain these as well and, as the professional, will recommend whether you should have a crown, and if so, which type.
Here are a few pros and cons of dental crowns:
* Aesthetically pleasing: Basically, a crown’s purpose is to give you a nicer smile. They are used to fix broken, cracked or missing teeth, and can give you more confidence and self-esteem in social settings.
* They can also be used to anchor a dental bridge and support and protect a worn tooth
* They are often used to restore the look of a tooth after a root canal
* They are affordable
* They are a good alternative to false teeth, allowing you to keep your natural teeth longer
* They can mask tooth discolorations
* They can help widen or lengthen a misshapen tooth
* Risk of allergic reaction: Although rare, there is a slight risk of an allergic reaction from the materials the crown is made from
* Risk of tooth decay: If the tooth is not properly sealed bacteria can seep in and the tooth can become decayed.
* Risk of infection: If the tooth is not cleaned out and prepared properly, your tooth can become infected
* Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold: This is typically a temporary after-effect and should go away a few days after the procedure.
Again, it’s important to speak with your dentist before deciding on whether a dental crown in Cary IL, or your local area is right for you. Your dentist is your expert guide to your complete oral health and he or she can advise you on what your specific course of action should be. Cary Dental Associates LLC provide several preventive, cosmetic and restorative dentistry services in Cary, IL.