Things to Know Before Beginning Swing Dance Lessons in Atascocita, TX

by | Feb 23, 2017 | Dance School

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Even people who have virtually no experience with dancing will build significant skills when they take lessons from professional instructors. For Swing Dance Lessons Atascocita TX, residents can sign up as an individual student or with a partner. If they come with a partner, they’ll still be expected to dance in pairs with other students.

Swing dance originated in the early part of the 20th Century. It’s associated with jazz music and the swing style of the genre that became popular in the 1920s. There are several styles of swing dance, making it especially fun for people who like diversity in their moves on the floor.

For instance, many individuals have heard of the Charleston and may have seen it performed by professionals or amateurs. Yet they may not realize this is a type of swing dance. As with other swing dances, it developed between the 1920s and 1940s. The Charleston is usually performed with traditional jazz music, also known as Dixieland.

When it comes to Swing Dance Lessons Atascocita TX, residents can also learn two lesser-known forms of this style: Balboa and Lindy Hop. Individuals who haven’t paid much attention to particular types of dance may not have heard of these, but people who are fans of shows like Dancing With the Stars have probably become familiar with those steps.

Aside from the fun and socialization involved with swing dance, students appreciate the chance to get more fit. Learning to dance and practicing the steps offers a substantial workout. Another factor many students find appealing is that this form of dance is definitively American. They appreciate participating in dance steps that originated in this country and are connected with American music.

At a facility such as Fred Astaire Dance Studios, students participate in three types of learning. They work one-on-one with private instructors, learn the basics and more advanced moves in group sessions, and also have practice sessions during which they put their new skills to use. This multi-level approach ensures students master the basics and continue to perfect those necessary skills while learning additional moves that enhance their dancing abilities.