A few decades ago, people didn’t live as long and not many people ended up in nursing homes. Today, the expectation is the opposite. Americans are living longer through a combination of better lifestyle habits and medication, and geriatric care is more multifaceted than ever before. Many times, sending a loved one to a facility isn’t the best or only option, and they will fare much better by remaining in the home.
1. Familiar Surroundings and Friends
Remaining social is absolutely essential to a person’s well-being. Isolation not only causes depression and anxiety, but frequently will result in a rapid decrease of physical health as well. Therefore, allowing a person to remain in the community while maintaining relationships and activities is one of the best ways to keep maintain health. Unfortunately, not everyone can continue to do basic activities like driving, grocery shopping, or even catching public transportation. This is where home care assistance comes in. Hiring home care assistance can not only ensure that an older person is getting the physical assistance they require, but also provides companionship.
2. How to Introduce the Idea of Extra Assistance
Many elderly people are stuck in their own ways and prefer to maintain their lifestyles, even if it’s become difficult. It’s very common for someone still living in their own home to refuse assistance from an outside person and be suspicious of their intentions. However, as a loved one, it’s your job to help them understand that an aide is there to assist them and make their life easier, rather than to snoop or cause harm. The National Institute on Aging breaks down basic needs that many older people might need, including housework, money management, meals, or even personal care. These are practical points that can help you convince your loved one to accept assistance. Reassurance, respect, and support for an older person who can no longer live completely on their own is essential to maintaining their trust, which you will need to effectively help them.
3. Lower Cost and Financial Burden
The fact of the matter is that skilled nursing care is expensive and complicated. Whether you’re paying privately or on state-funded assistance, placing a loved one in a nursing home or independent living facility can be very pricey. While you may be willing to spend any amount to ensure the well being of the person requiring care, reserving funds for later when the senior may have other needs is ideal.
A skilled aide that allows your loved one to stay their home is an ideal way to not only ensure the senior’s safety, but also retain social connections and a high quality of life. Browse website url to get more information about how we can help your loved one live the best and fullest life possible in their later years. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates.