Purchasing a property, a home for yourself and your family, is probably the largest expense of your lifetime. A home inspection checklist is essential if you are to avoid further expenses after purchasing a property with a variety of problems that you will have to pay for to correct if you do not find them before the purchase completes.
Part of The Contract
Unless you are an expert, understanding the building codes and the quality of the property you are inspecting, you should ask a professional company to complete a home inspection checklist that meets your criteria for any property you are considering purchasing.
Knowing everything about the property will help you understand more about the expenses you will have to outlay in the years to follow.
The checklist must be detailed and relevant for the property you are purchasing. It is better to inspect more rather than less so that there are no hidden problems lurking in your future.
When you contact a company and ask about their home inspection checklist, ask to see a copy so that all the items you want inspecting are included and carry out your own investigations online to compare checklists to see they have a full list that meets your requirements.
You will expect them to study all the structural elements of the property and inspect the exterior. The roof and attic need to be investigated as do the plumbing, electrical and any appliances that are included.
All water heaters, furnaces and other systems and components must be checked and do not forget the entirety of the garage as this may be a busy area of your home.
You would expect any standard checklist to include all the health issues including radon, mold and mildew, asbestos and rodents.
Where the property includes a pool, how long before it needs cleaning, maintaining and the systems repairing? A little expense now can vastly reduce your bills later.