What Should Homeowners Know About Roof Repair Tucson?

by | Jun 14, 2017 | Roofing

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The topic of roof repair is one homeowner often dread, simply because of the cost. Since the average lifespan of a shingled roof is around twenty years, it stands to reason most homeowners will be faced with the daunting task of roof issues at least once in their lifetime. It is important homeowners are able to discover the signs of roofing problems, so they will not delay in contacting the professionals for Roof Repair Tucson. Prompt repairs can prolong the life of a roof and prevent further damage and expense.

If these signs are occurring with a roof, it is time for a homeowner to seek repairs:

 *     Anytime a homeowner begins to notice dips in their roof; this is a prime signal for concern. Dips in a roof occur because the wooden decking underneath the shingles has been compromised and is no longer strong enough to support the roof. This is an issue that needs to be repaired right away, or a roof collapse could occur.

 *     The flashings on a roof are one of the first areas that will become damaged. They may come loose or experience curling. When the flashings are not properly sealed, this allows water in which can lead to major damage to the interior of a home. The flashings of a home need to be checked on a regular basis to ensure they are not damaged by high winds and rain.

 *     Shingles need to be in sound shape, and they need to stay in place to ensure the roof decking is fully protected. When the shingles of a home become damaged or are missing, it is imperative a homeowner seeks Roof Repair Tucson. When the shingles are missing or damaged, they allow water to flow onto the decking which can eventually lead to rot.

If a homeowner notices any of these signs of problems with their roof, it is important immediate repairs are sought. Waiting will only increase the expense involved in the repair. If your roof is damaged and you would like repair work carried out, contact Ralph Hays Roofing. For further information on their services, Visit the website