Root canals are given a specific term solely for one reason. Even after extracting the pulp embedded within a tooth which can infect the entire tooth, once the pulp is infected itself. An Endodontist may have to issue a second procedure called a Retreatment. Several individuals have received the capped tooth and lived five or ten years before noticing secondary signs that proper healing for a tooth did not take. This happens but it is not a losing battle. The only reason for lack of a healing process is because the tooth just did not heal properly. Maybe a cap ended up broken or cracked. Or, the tooth ended up becoming fractured. Nonetheless an Endodontist has the solution.
Is Retreatment Painful?
Again, like the first procedure, an anesthetic will be administered to the patient so they will not have to feel any pain during the retreatment. Essentially the Endodontist will revisit the tooth, deconstruct the procedure from before and give a through examination. If decay or infection has taken root, the Endodontist will clean and repack the tooth filling before commencing the end of the retreatment. There will be swelling and maybe temporary bleeding.
Will Retreatment Solve the Issue?
The issue will be resolved and the patient’s tooth will be saved from any bacterial infection that developed after the first procedure. Because an Endodontist makes sure if, or when a retreatment needs to be scheduled, an even through examination of the infected area will be conducted. Cleansing the pocket which harbored potential harmful bacteria, then inserting a filling gel which is more like rubber to seal the tooth. Then shaping any canals surrounding the tooth as well. A filling will be placed until a second appointment where a permanent cap will be fitted.
Searching for an endodontist in Glenview, contact the Dental Specialists of South Loop & North Shore. Find them online.