Hearing Loss Can Happen To Anyone: Auditory Testing in Lancaster, PA

by | Jun 19, 2017 | Health

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It is not uncommon for people of all ages to experience some form of hearing loss. In some cases, they may only experience the effects for a short period of time, such as the hours directly after they have attended a loud concert or event. However, in other cases, experiencing hearing loss may be a warning sign that their hearing is in decline and could result in a permanent loss of hearing unless steps are taken to remedy the situation.

Hearing loss can have a profound effect on the person experiencing it, leaving them anxious, frustrated, and confused. Often, it is not the sufferer, but their family that first recognizes the loss of hearing, which may leave them wondering what to do, where to turn, and how to help.

Some of the most common causes of hearing loss range from prolonged exposure to loud noises, trauma sustained to the head, the result of certain diseases or viruses, as well as hereditary causes such as a family history of hearing loss, or a disease which may lead to hearing loss. Aging is also a leading cause of loss of hearing in individuals, although hearing loss may be experienced by people of all ages, including young children. Teenagers are being recognized as particularly susceptible demographic due to the fact that many teenagers play music too loudly through headphones, which acts as a direct assault on their hearing.

Anyone concerned about their hearing, or the hearing of a loved one, is encouraged to pursue auditory testing by a licensed professional. Auditory testing will allow physicians to identify any hearing issue a patient may be experiencing, leading to a plan of action to either take steps to reverse the damage or to explore options regarding hearing aids. In some cases, hearing loss may be attributed to something as simple as a wax blockage, requiring only a simple draining procedure to restore the patient’s hearing.

Individuals seeking Auditory testing in Lancaster, PA are welcome to contact Otolaryngology Physicians of Lancaster. OP is staffed with board certified ear, nose, and throat specialists. For more information on Auditory testing at their clinic in Lancaster, PA.