Reviewing What Happened with Neck Injury Attorneys In Glendale, AZ

by | Aug 14, 2017 | Lawyers

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In Arizona, neck injuries occur through a multitude of events. They could include criminal acts, auto accidents, and even work-related injuries. The way the injury was produced determines how a legal case is managed and identifies any restrictions that may apply. Neck Injury Attorneys in Glendale AZ guide victims through a civil lawsuit.

Aggravated Assault Injuries

Under Arizona state statute 13-1204, severe neck injuries that were the result of physical altercations are classified as aggravated assault. The victim has a window of two years to file a civil lawsuit against the defendant. They must present medical records and police reports. If they acquire restitution beyond the criminal case, they may still have the chance to collect through a lawsuit.

Auto Accident Injuries

Arizona state statute 12-542 imposes a two-year window for all legal claims for auto accidents. Any victim of an accident that sustains a neck injury must act quickly to file a claim. They must present clear medical evidence of the injuries. In these cases, it is necessary to determine if a criminal act occurred during the accident. This could include a DUI, which could increase the probability of a higher award due to this severe failure of the at-fault driver.

Work-Related Injury Cases

Worker-related injuries are covered under the Arizona Constitution in article 18, section 8. Under the document, employers are liable for any unnecessary risks or danger to their workers. The employers must follow OSHA requirements as well. Under federal law, the employer must provide compensation for any work-related injuries. If the worker sustains a permanent neck injury, they could acquire disability payments through the workers compensation claim.

How Neck Injuries Affect the Victim

Neck injuries can lead to paralysis in some cases. The level of paralysis is determined by the severity of the neck injury. They can also lead to conditions that affect the brain. The exact effects of the injury could dictate the compensation the victim receives.

Neck injuries could lead to death or a permanent disability. The state of Arizona provides multiple statutes that could affect how a legal claim is presented. Victims of injuries are encouraged to contact Neck Injury Attorneys in Glendale AZ through Garrison Law Firm today.