One common age-related eye ailment is macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a condition that results from an issue arising in the macula of your eye. You can locate the macula in the very center of the retina. It is to this spot that external rays enter and focus. The macula is responsible for your ability to see those items right in front of you. One function this abets is the close and detailed activities of reading, writing and viewing computer screens. By talking to your optometrist in Minnesota about Immaculate Degeneration, you can learn more information about the factors behind AMD.
Factors Influencing the Onset of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Whatever the type of AMD, age is not the only element determining whether a person will get it. While the older you get, the more likely AMD can occur, other factors that may influence its appearance in any elder person are:
* Family History: Like many diseases and health problems, AMD can run in families. If you have any close relatives who have experienced AMD, the risk for you also developing it increases. This suggests a genetic link.
* Smoking: Statistics indicate that those who smoke for an extended period increase the risk of AMD by as much as 4 times.
* Ethnicity: Various studies have found that ethnicity may play a role in the increasing the risk of getting AMD. Those with the highest rates are Chinese and White. The lowest rate risk is for Blacks.
Other possible risk factors do exist. Among them are alcohol abuse, heart disease, and obesity. Any of these can influence the risk of a senior in Minnesota getting AMD.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is frequently associated with aging. However, age is not the only factor that influences the risk rate. The susceptibility of an elder individual to AMD increases because of a genetic component, heavy smoking and/or ethnicity. Alcohol abuse, other heart health issues, and obesity may also play a role.