A big change has occurred for Pest Exterminators in Puyallup Wa due to the rising prevalence of one critter that’s very difficult to get rid of: the bed bug. Just a decade or so ago, calls to pest control technicians asking for help eliminating bed bugs were uncommon. Not only do individual consumers make these calls, but lodging establishments are a large part of the increasing demand for extermination service. The owners can’t risk their reputation by having guests complain about biting insects in the room.
Public Health Issues
Pest Exterminators in Puyallup Wa have always been viewed by some of their customers as part of the effort for public health, as people worry about insects like mosquitoes and roaches transmitting disease. They are concerned about mice inside the home for this reason as well. This view of pest control workers has been boosted by the concerns over the more recent development of certain mosquito-transmitted illnesses as well as the biting bed bugs.
Generational Differences
Interestingly, research has found that younger generations are a bit more inclined to call pest control services than older ones are. About 80 percent of people under age 45 said they would be likely to call a professional service for assistance with bugs and rodents, compared with 60 percent of people age 45 and older.
It may be that middle-aged individuals and senior citizens lived so many years without the preponderance of bed bugs and certain mosquito-transmitted diseases that they are still somewhat more likely to tackle pest problems on their own. In addition, younger adults are more likely to have babies and small children living in the house, and they are naturally concerned about what effects pests might have on these family members.
Targeted Approaches
Indiscriminate pesticide spraying and setting off insecticide bombs in the home especially cause parents of young children concern about toxins left behind. understand that these efforts are ineffective for several kinds of bugs, including roaches and ants. The technicians work to eliminate entry points, target nesting areas and provide advice to customers on preventive measures.