Patients who are just beginning to suffer from chronic headaches often do not realize there are many kinds of headaches, each of which requires a different type of treatment. Migraines are very different from tension headaches, which have different symptoms and treatment modalities than sinus headaches. This article focuses on how specialists can diagnose and treat a Sinus Headache in Bethlehem PA to help patients determine whether or not they need to see an ENT specialist.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Sinus headaches are usually a symptom of a larger underlying problem, known within the medical field as sinusitis. Patients who are suffering from sinusitis often complain of pain and pressure in their cheeks, around their eyes, and across their foreheads, as well as an achy feeling in their upper teeth, facial swelling, nasal stuffiness, yellow or green nasal discharge, and fever or chills in addition to persistent headaches. However, not every Sinus Headache in Bethlehem PA will come with these other symptoms, so the only way to determine whether or not sinusitis is, in fact, to blame is to head to a doctor for a diagnosis.
At-Home Treatment for Sinus Headaches
There are several at-home treatments patients can try for their sinus headaches before heading to a doctor for professional care. These include breathing in moist air from a steam vaporizer, cool-mist humidifier, or hot shower. Patients can also try alternating cold and hot compresses on the sinuses, nasal irrigation, and the use of over-the-counter medications such as decongestants and pain relievers. However, those suffering from recurrent or chronic sinus headaches would do well to head to a specialist for professional treatment, especially if these at-home treatments don’t provide adequate relief.
What to Expect from an ENT Specialist
When they head in for a diagnosis, patients should expect to undergo CT scans of their sinuses to determine whether or not their chronic sinusitis is caused by a physical blockage. In some cases, allergy testing may also be required. While acute sinusitis can be treated with antibiotics and prescription-strength decongestants, chronic sinusitis may require surgery for correction. Visit us to learn more about treatment options or get in touch to schedule an initial consultation today.
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