How to Treat Neck Pain in St Louis

by | Mar 22, 2018 | Chiropractic

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Most Missouri residents experience some form of neck pain during their lifetimes. This pain is caused by a specific event and the individual recovers by treating it themselves for a few days or weeks. In certain circumstances, the pain does not improve and the individual needs to seek treatment for their Neck Pain in St Louis. Understanding the cause of the neck pain and related treatment options help individuals to decide on the best treatment plan for their lives.

Common Causes

Neck pain can have several causes. Everyone has, at some point or another, carried too much and felt pain in their neck a day or two later. Sitting too long or sleeping in an awkward position can cause a strain on the neck as well. Often neck pain can occur as a result of a whiplash injury in an auto-mobile accident. In other cases, an individual may have a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease.

Home Treatment Options

For the most part, neck pain can be treated at home by an individual. This would involve applying ice or heat at regular intervals, stretching, and maintaining good posture. Over-the-counter medications may be taken for pain unless you have been directed by a physician to avoid such medications, and only by following the dosages on the packaging.

When to See a Doctor

Generally speaking, these at home treatments should help the neck pain to improve over a few days or weeks. If the neck pain worsens after treatment or does not improve after a few weeks of treatment, then it is time to see a doctor. In certain circumstances, an individual should not try to treat their neck pain at home, but should immediately seek the help of a medical professional. These would include situations when neck pain is accompanied by other signs of a heart attack such as check tightness, shortness of breath, or numbness running down the arms. Alternately, if the neck pain has occurred as a result of an automobile accident and any suspected spine injury has occurred, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Neck pain can occur due to some causes. It can be treated without the help of a medical professional, but in certain circumstances, treatment for Neck Pain in St Louis from a medical professional will be necessary. For more information about treatment options, contact the Back And Neck Care Center..