The Class D Fire Extinguisher – How It Quenches Metal Fueled Conflagrations

by | Aug 9, 2018 | Safety Equipment Supplies

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The substances necessary to defeat any type of fire quickly and effectively depends on the ignition source of that fire. For this reason, it is important to understand the various types of fires and the associated firefighting equipment necessary to suppress those conflagrations and potentially save lives and property. For instance, combustible metals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, and aluminum can initiate a Class D fire. Only a Class D fire extinguisher can extinguish these types of blazes.

Class D conflagrations can begin in certain types of facilities that process the types of metals mentioned above, and in particular, when these metals are in a particular form that increases the possibility of their ignition. It is essential to have the proper type of firefighting equipment in your facility and accessible if these metals are present within the facility. In this way, you can ensure that human life and property is protected as much as possible if a fire emergency occurs.

Metal as the Fuel Source
Machining operations can create metal fines that are highly ignitable and able to instigate a Class D fire. Laboratory centers as well as manufacturing and industrial facilities can have these types of metal fines potential to instigate a fire. For this reason, it is important for these facilities to have class D fire extinguisher units in place in the necessary locations to ensure proper fire safety.

Suppressing Class D Fires
These fires can get out of control quickly if they are not put out with the proper type of fire extinguisher. Oxygen fuels these fires and it must be suppressed fast before it turns into something much more difficult to handle. Class D fire extinguishers contain dry powder extinguishing agents in the form of sodium chloride granular form or graphite powder form.

An experienced fire protection company can help you understand the type of equipment you need to defeat these types of fires.

For more information about the nature of Class D fires and how a Class D fire extinguisher can quench these ravaging blazes in your facility, get in touch with an experienced and reputable fire protection company today.