Society is rapidly changing. These societal changes are due in part to technological advancements that have opened up new doors for inventors and designers to create innovative products. Technology has made it possible for companies to build products that are decorative, functional and eco-friendly at the same time. Watches have undergone numerous changes since the late 1800s and just as society has progressed, they have continued on an evolutionary path as well. Their styles have been re-invented over the years, but their popularity has never waned. Eco-Drive Watches in Gridley, CA are prime examples of high-tech developments that have produced watches that use light powered energy sources instead of the traditional battery.
Batteries can cause harm to the environment. They contain hazardous materials that can get into a communitys local water supply, plants, air, and soil if they are dumped into landfills or burned for disposal. Unfortunately, this is where most disposable batteries end up, so Eco-Drive watches are not only accessories and tools for telling time, they are making their own contribution to creating a safer environment by removing the need for a battery.
Eco-Drive watches use both natural light and artificial light for power, which is a superior alternative to traditional batteries. Customers can use solar energy from the sun outside or artificial light from a lamp on the inside. They hold their charges for a significant amount of time before there is a need to restore it and they save consumers money because there is no need to purchase a new battery.
Eco-Drive watches are not limited in their design choices by their technology. They have many styles to choose from and their designs are just as competitive as other watches lacking this technology. They also carry a line of watches that are waterproof. These watches will work while completely submerged in water so that wearers do not have to worry about damaging them at a pool, the beach, or while scuba diving.
This technology is a step in the right direction. Consumers who take advantage of Eco-Drive watches make a collective difference in helping to maintain a clean environment, and they give companies the sales they need to continue to offer this technology to the market.