Math has been an essential part of our history and evolution as a species. Since ancient Egypt and Greece where mathematics was refined and better understood right to today’s exploration of space. Math is involved in everything we do, it is what allows us to expand our horizons.
From Abacus to Scale
The abacus and scale where used in ancient Europe, China and Russia as a way to count and do mathematics. This was especially important when it came to keeping track of sales transactions and accounting. A person would bring their wares to a marketplace and the buyer would use these tools to figure out exactly what to pay the seller.
From the Earth to the Moon
Math is an essential part of nurturing humanity’s passion for exploration and discovery. From the deepest depths of the ocean to rediscover the Titanic to a man taking his first step on the Moon. Without math none of it would have been possible. By using math we unlocked our ability to set a goal for ourselves and then accomplish it. Kennedy said it would be our goal to land a man on the Moon but mathematics is what made his vision a reality.
Warp Speed
Warp speed isn’t as far fetched an idea as you might imagine. While it is the stuff of sci-fi movies and television, Einstein believed it was theoretically possible to fold space in on itself and propel a ship further than has ever been explored by Earth before. He formed certain mathematical principals that proved that it could be done given the constant advancement of human technology. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity could be what helps us go where no one has gone before.
Get Students Ready for what Is to Come
Math diagnostic tests are a tool that teachers can utilize to better prepare their students for the world that is ahead of them. They could be the link between a students understanding of math and them someday creating the next big advancement on the planet. Visit their site today and you can see all of the different math tests that can be given to students in order for their teachers to educate them in a way that will be incredibly effective.