In the corporate world, one of the best ways to teach employees and push them work harder without coercion is to hire a motivational speaker. The problem is that many keynote speakers are boring to listen to, even if they have great things to say. For a fun time that employees will enjoy, hire a Certified Speaking Professional that uses laughter to teach.
What is Laughter Therapy?
You know the saying about laughter being good medicine, right? It’s true. Laughter releases endorphins, which are better known as the feel-good chemical. The name ends with part of the word “morphine” to show how it gives a natural morphine sensation. Laughing during a motivational speech will not only keep people listening for the next joke, but also make them relax, release stress, and even relieve pain. They will walk out of the meeting ready to work. It will also help employees get to know each other and feel more comfortable with each other.
What is a Certified Speaking Professional?
A Certified Speaking Professional is a keynote speaker who has passed the strict criteria to earn the title. The National Speakers Association is made up of thousands of motivational speakers, but only a small handful has earned the tile of Certified Speaking Professional. Those with the title have proven themselves excellent keynote speakers with extensive knowledge of working in a corporate setting. Choosing a Certified Speaking Professional means you know you’ll hire an ethical, knowledgeable, and experienced speaker.
How Do You Know a Speaker is Reputable?
Just because a speaker doesn’t have the Certified Speaking Professional title, doesn’t mean the speaker isn’t reputable. A reputable speaker is a member of the National Speakers Association. A reputable speaker will discuss the meeting with you before it happens so that you will know what to expect. The speaker will also tweak the lessons to fit the type of business. For example, if the speaker is hired to talk at a hospital, the speech will incorporate employee issues and jokes about medicine.
What is Laughter Yoga?
For an added fun time, find a speaker that does laughter yoga. It is a great way to relieve tension, have a good laugh, and get to know each other. While everyone is bending over in simple yoga poses, they are also laughing at each other. This breaks the ice among new employees.
Laughter therapy eases tension and helps improve both mental and physical well being.
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