People have definite opinions about fruit cakes. They either really love them or really not love them. There is rarely anything in-between. What are fruit cakes exactly?
Fruit cakes, as the name suggests, are a heavy cake with ingredients of candied or dried fruits, assorted nuts, and flavorful spices. Sometimes, the cake was soaked in a liqueur. They are a baked good that is sold around the world. Here are some fun facts about fruit cakes.
Fruit cakes date back to ancient Rome when they were made with a barley mash infused with pomegranate seeds, nuts, and raisins. Later in the Middle Ages, cooks added honey as a sweetener, spices, and preserved fruit.
In Europe, the church outlawed fruit cakes beginning in the early 18th century. The church considered them to be “sinfully rich.” By the 19th century, fruit cakes became popular again.
During the 19th century, fruit cakes were so popular they became the traditional wedding cake for royalty in Europe. Queen Victoria is said that she had shown great restraint, moderation, and good taste when she waited for one year to eat her cake.
In England, it was a tradition for unmarried wedding guest to place a fruit cake slice under their pillow to encourage them to dream of their betrothed.
Today, fruit cakes are a traditional Christmas cake in the United Kingdom. They are available in many varieties. The traditional Christmas cake is round and covered in marzipan and then white icing. They are often decorated with a Christmas scene.
Almost every country has a version of fruit cake. They will differ slightly, but they are all made from candied or dried fruit.
December 27 is National Fruit Cake Day. Across the United States, people who love fruit cake celebrate this awesome day!
If you have never tried a fruit cake, then you are missing out on a delicious treat.
Beatrice Bakery Company sells baked fruit cakes online and in retail stores across North America.