In the 1940s nearly every medication you received was compounded by the pharmacists. But with the advent of mass drug productions, compounded medication became an outdated and rarely used practice. Presently, there has been somewhat of a resurgence in compounding because of the many benefits that it offers. The following are just a few of those benefits.
Benefits in Pain Management
Generally, people who have to take medications on a regular basis are hit with side effects such as stomach issues and drowsiness. By using a compound medication, you can significantly reduce the previously mentioned side effects of the pain medication. An experienced compound pharmacist will be able to turn your oral medications into a spray or a topical ointment that you can apply to your skin.
Dental Benefits
Many dentists have found that certain patients are very resistant against trying the traditional forms of medications. These cases could be helped tremendously by a good compound medication. By using a lip balm to treat ulcers or a lollipop as a way to sedate a patient, the dentist can breeze through these normally stressful situations. These types of circumstances have contributed in the renewed popularity of compound medications.
Pediatric Benefits
Children are among the best candidates for the use of compound medications due to the fact that traditional medications are so hard for the children to ingest. Many medicines that usually taste bad to the children can be helped by adding coloring and flavoring to the mix. Compound medications can also help children who have a hard time with capsules or tablets by making the size of the medicine smaller and, therefore, easier to consume.
Allergy Benefits
Many people are severely allergic to the dyes and additives in most modern medications. These allergies can be helped by the compound pharmacist removing the harmful additives.
If you are searching for Compounded Pharmaceuticals in El Dorado Hills, be sure to visit Grandpa’s Compounding Pharmacy. There are many pharmacists who do not fill compound medications due to the time and effort it takes for the prescriptions. Because of this fact, you should always check with your pharmacist before getting the compound medication filled at their store.