Metals Used By Metal Stamping Service

by | Mar 6, 2019 | Metal Fabrication

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Fabrication shops utilize a variety of processes to produce the products its customers want. They take sheet metal, plate, and ingots and turn them into functional components. Among the methods they use is stamping. A metal stamping service may involve employing various processes to punch, deep draw, emboss or bend the metal into the appropriate shape.

Common Sheet Metals Employed in Metal Stamping

The most common medium for producing products using metal stamping is sheet metal. The choice of metal depends upon a variety of factors. These include the requirements of the customer, the specifics of a component, the intended environment of the part, and the technology the shop possesses.

Among the most common types of sheet metal offered by a metal stamping service shop are:

  • ALUMINUM: The flexibility, lightweight and corrosion resistant properties of this metal make it among the most widespread metals among fabrication shops
  • BRASS: Composed of parts zinc and copper, this metal is renowned for its durability, ductility, hardness, machinability and wear and corrosion resistance. Its electrical and thermal conductivity properties make it a common option for fabricating electrical parts and instruments
  • COPPER: Copper has many properties that allow it to be very useful for electrical instruments. It is malleable, ductile and, above all, an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity 
  • STEEL: Steel is a durable and very tough metal. It also is resistant to many elements in harsh environments. It is always in demand by the automotive, aerospace and medical industries

Metal Stamping Service

Metal fabrication shops provide a variety of valuable services to diverse industrial concerns. In their role as an adjunct to such manufacturers, fabricators offer a wide selection of different processes from which to choose the appropriate one. To ensure success within the context of a wide market framework, shops deliver metal stamping service in addition to sheet metal and precision fabrication.