How can a person decide what is causing their uncomfortable sinus problems? Is it irritation from spring tree pollen or an infection? Is the “sinus problem” really seasonal allergies or food intolerance? That uncomfortable allergic feeling could even be caused by the new sheets on the bed or food in the refrigerator. More and more people are having trouble eating bread and other products made with wheat. It may be called a gluten intolerance, but the real cause could be residue from crop spraying too soon before harvest. What allergies are causing the symptoms?
What is Causing Those Allergy or Sinus Problems in Louisville KY?
The only way to know for sure is to consult an allergy specialist and get tested. There are excellent allergy tests available to specialists. These tests help them pinpoint the allergy causes so they can design an effective treatment for their patient. The allergy specialist will start by having the patient fill out questionnaires about what they eat, what plants are near them, and what products they have in their homes.
The specialist will talk to the patient about their symptoms and when they are worst. Then, they will administer a bank of tests to see which materials cause allergic reactions. It may be very surprising what is causing those allergy symptoms. What if a person loves apples but finds out that is what they are allergic to? Shellfish are a great source of nutrients to most people but make a few people very ill when consumed. What about peanut allergies??
A neighbor’s huge cottonwood tree can be a culprit for seasonal allergies. Juniper trees can cause a lot of discomfort in the spring when they release their pollen in great clouds. It is believed by many scientists that global warming or climate change is causing plants to give off more pollen each year. For allergy sufferers, this is not good news.
There is Help
Sinus Problems in Louisville KY can be treated by an allergy specialist. Once they run tests to see what the real cause of sinus problems might be, they can prescribe medication and other treatments to alleviate the symptoms. These specialists can find what is causing allergic symptoms and devise a treatment regimen to eliminate those symptoms. When allergies are gone, people feel much better. Contact us for more information on allergy treatments.