Learning About Sand to Be Delivered by a Dump Truck in Austin, TX

by | Jul 16, 2019 | Business

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Property owners may want delivery of a large amount of sand brought by a dump truck in Austin, TX. They can’t simply ask for sand since there are several types available. A company representative can determine which type is most suitable by learning what this sand will be used for.


Sand for manufacturing, for sandboxes, and equestrian arenas comes from various sources, but it is not mined from deserts. It may come from riverbanks and other waterways or be manufactured by crushing rocks from quarries.

Desert Sand

People might think that since sand is so abundant in the Sahara Desert and other arid places that there should be no shortage of sand for manufacturing and other purposes. However, the sand in the Sahara is made of very fine grains that cannot be used in concrete and other types of manufacturing. This happens because of wind blowing across the desert eroding the material.

An Irony

It can seem ironic that some of the biggest cities requiring enormous amounts of sand for concrete buildings and pavement are situated on or next to huge deserts. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, built on the Arabian desert, is an example. That desert is incapable of providing the sand the city needs to expand, so the material is imported from elsewhere.

Expense of Transport

Also, transporting sand from Africa to another continent would be difficult and highly expensive because a load would be extremely heavy. Consider that the largest dump trucks, those used in the mining industry, have a maximum capacity of 400 tons. Currently, sand in the United States generally is used relatively close to where it originally comes from.

Ordering by Weight

Residential customers who want a load of sand delivered by a dump truck in Austin, TX typically only want several hundred pounds of the material at the most. Those wanting sand for a horse arena will need significantly more. They might want to order anywhere from 80 to 200 tons, depending on the size of the arena. A representative with a company such as Loftin Trucking & Materials LLC can help with the calculations.