Diet and exercise can only go so far in the fight against obesity. Increased instances of heart disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes and many other health concerns have been attributed to obesity. Weight loss or gastric bypass surgery in Lubbock is often a successful procedure. The procedure helps by giving the individual a chance to change their habits and lifestyles. There are numerous benefits to having gastric bypass surgery in Lubbock. Here are seven of them.
Eliminate or Reduce Sleep Apnea
Drastic weight loss following the procedure can help reduce obesity-related sleep issues. For many people, sleep difficulties like sleep apnea are reduced or totally eliminated following the weight loss.
Reduced Risk of Diabetes
For many individuals, blood sugar levels return to normal following gastric bypass surgery in Lubbock.
Improvement in Joint Function
Normal body weight encourages strong muscles and limber joints. When the body has excess weight, more stress is placed on joints, which can lead to damaged joints and bones.
Lower Risk of Hypertension
Obesity and hypertension often go hand in hand. The bypass procedure can help improve blood pressure in most candidates to the point they can reduce or stop hypertension medications.
Continued Weight Loss
Immediately following the procedure, there is usually drastic weight loss. Most continue to experience long-term weight loss.
Longer Lifespan
Most medical professionals agree those who undergo the weight loss procedure increase their lifespan by as much as three years.
Improved Self-Esteem
After losing large amounts of weight, the improved body image often gives a person a more positive outlook and a better sense of well-being.