Here Are Three Ways to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

by | Jul 30, 2019 | Business

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Every day, you are fighting a constant battle against the outside air to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. This battle can sometimes be expensive as you pay your heating and cooling bill. To make these costs more manageable, then, it’s important to take steps to improve your home’s energy efficiency. So, whether you do it yourself or enlist the help of pros like spray foam insulation contractors in the Lancaster, PA, area, these are some great areas to focus on.

Windows and Doors
Other than openings in your attic, your windows and doors represent the largest openings in your home’s exterior and therefore represent one of the for energy loss. Use caulk to seal around the entire perimeter of all windows on the inside and outside. For doors, make sure to properly protect the bottom with a thick threshold, then fill in any other large gaps with foam backer and caulk.

Electrical Outlets
Another opening in your walls that may be a less obvious source of energy loss is the cutouts for electrical outlets and light switches. These openings open up directly to the cavity in your wall, which contains unconditioned air. That’s why it’s a good idea to take the faceplates off of these devices, install an insulation pad, then replace the faceplates. Plus, if you have outlet safety covers, it’s a good idea to leave those in, as they prevent unconditioned air from seeping in through the outlets.

By far, the most important component of an energy efficient home is proper insulation. To insulate your attic, you can choose between either blown-in fiberglass insulation or you can try spray foam insulation completed by spray foam insulation contractors in Lancaster, PA. Either option is a vast improvement over no insulation, though spray foam insulation has a higher R-value and has the added benefit of keeping the floor clean in the space where it’s installed.

For spray foam installation contrctors in Lancaster you can trust, contact Lantz Installation at.