Whether you need commercial lawn care services or residential service, you still need to maintain your lawn to promote healthy growth. A well-fed, well-maintained yard will help roots grow deeper and minimize the impact weeds have on your lawn. Here are some tips to growing a cool, green and comfortable lawn.
Soil Test
If you want to know what your lawn really needs, you should test your soil. A commercial lawn care service can run a test for a minimal cost. The test will tell you how many nutrients are in the soil and determine the soil’s pH level. If your pH level is high, it means the soil’s acidity levels are high. High acidity levels lower the total available nutrients in your soil.
Hard, compacted soil will slow the growth of your lawn. By routinely aerating your lawn, you open more air circulation and give your grass more room to grow. Aerating is the process of punching small holes in your lawn with an aerating tool. If you have a large, commercial lawn, you can rent an aerating machine. Experts recommend that you aerate your lawn once a year.
Water Deeply
Instead of watering your yard for a few minutes each day, you should water your lawn deeply at least once a week. When you water your yard deep, the lawn’s roots will grow deep into the ground. Water a few minutes every day does very little to promote a healthier lawn. Additionally, deep watering reduces the amount of water you use and is often used as a part of environmentally friendly lawn care.
Experts also suggest saving your grass clippings to use as a fertilizer. Instead of the messy clean up you face after cutting your grass, just leave the clippings behind, and they will act as a natural fertilizer for your lawn.