Seed Planters: What They Are, Who Uses Them and How They Operate


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What Is a Planter?

A planter is a device that aids in the process of growing and planting seeds. Rather than having to plant each seed by hand, the seed planter will plant seeds in rows for you. A seed planter is typically attached to a tractor using a drawbar. These planters can vary in size, row and spacing. Generally speaking, most planters can plant anywhere from 1 to 48 rows, with 48 rows being the maximum number of rows thus far.

Who Uses Planters?

Planters are most often used by farmers. This would make sense as farmers often need to plant a vast amount of seed to produce as much crop as possible. This makes a seed planter a very time-efficient and effective tool.

How Have Planters Developed Over Time?

As seen on older models, seed planters have been equipped with a manual marker that shows the operator of the planter where the tractor should be aimed for proper and even distribution of the seed. Modern planters, however, often utilize GPS navigation systems to accomplish this task. These modernized systems also can detect areas of land in which seed has already been sewn and will automatically prevent itself from redistributing seed in that particular area.

Keep Quality in Mind

If you are considering purchasing a seed planter, be sure to keep in mind that not all seed planters are created equal. Make sure to invest in a high-quality planter, and to make sure that all planter parts are in working order. You may consider Covington planter parts for replacements.

All in all, whether you are looking for quality covington planter parts or are in need of a completely new planter machine, seed planters are sure to save time and prove a worthy investment for those needing to plant a large amount of seed over a wide area of land.