As a business owner, you have dozens of tasks to attend to each day. You can get so busy that you forget to take care of your payroll taxes. Before you know it, you can find yourself seriously delinquent to what you owe to the IRS. Rather than face being audited, fined or jailed, you can escape the worst consequences that come with tax delinquencies by hiring one of your local employment attorneys. Your lawyer can assist you in getting caught up with what you owe and get penalties and fines against you dismissed.
Filing Your Payroll Taxes
One of the first things that employment attorneys will tell clients like you to do is file your payroll taxes right away. Even if you are months or years behind schedule, you need to get the taxes filed in order to begin resolving the situation. If you are not sure of what quarters that you need to file for or fear that you cannot pay what you owe, you can have your lawyer review your books. He or she can then help you file the proper returns, submit the proper proof and find out what your total tax debt is right now.
Arguing Down Charges
If the IRS has charged you with a delinquency, you need a lawyer to argue down the charges against you. Your attorney can prove to the IRS the circumstances that caused you to get behind in the first place. He or she can also ask that the penalties and fines be dismissed so that you can better afford what you owe.
You can find out more about hiring employment attorneys online. Contact North Suburban Legal Services LLC to set up a free consultation with an attorney today.