Why Not Seeing Your Local Dentist in North Edmonton Can Pose Major Problems

by | Dec 25, 2019 | Uncategorized

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Have you been neglecting your dental appointments? If so, then you should probably reconsider doing so. Neglecting your oral health can yield grievous consequences. Here are some of the major reasons why skipping the dentist may put you at a disadvantage as well as the many advantages of seeing your dentist regularly.

Why Skipping the Dentist Isn’t a Great Idea

While many of us would likely admit that we’ve skipped a dental appointment or two in the past, it is important that skipping your dental visits does not become a habit. While visiting the dentist may seem like a time-consuming, tedious, and generally uncomfortable process, the truth is that neglecting your oral hygiene can bring about much more discomfort in the future.

Consider plaque, for example. A person who has never seen a dentist and goes in for an appointment after 18 years of neglect, will likely have a very different experience than a person who sees their dentist twice a year. This person’s plaque won’t be as bad, and the appointment will likely be shorter and a much more pleasant experience.

Furthermore, neglecting the dentist means neglecting root issues that will only worsen over time. Your dentist in North Edmonton will be equipped with X-ray machines and other devices that will allow them to look below the surface for serious problems, such as periodontal disease or decaying teeth.

When Should I See My Dentist?

It is generally recommended that you see your dentist twice a year. While some choose to risk it with just one appointment, it simply isn’t best practice as plaque and tartar can begin to form on your teeth within as little as a few weeks after a cleaning.