Magnetic resonance imaging uses magnetic fields for creating 3-D images of the inside of the human body. It works by causing atoms to rise up and create images that are translated by a sophisticated computer system into images. If you are experiencing unknown pain or need an MRI, then it helps to contact a Medical imaging in Minneapolis MN service. An MRI machine can take pictures at different angles, which allows for identifying tumors in the soft tissues. It is also similar to a tube and has large magnets that surround the machine. MRI machine also have low strength magnets that creates the low noise.
Warm clothing is suggested because the MRI equipment is in a cold room. The clothing should also be comfortable because of having to sit still for an extended period. It is probably a good idea to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt. Patients are not allowed to get in the machine with any metal, such as clothing with metal fasteners, belts or jewelry. The whole process can take from 15 to 60 minutes.
Patients have to lie on an examining table, which slides into the middle of the MRI machine. Imaging coils are placed on the part of the body that is the focus of the scan. For a brain scan, the head is put inside of a frame, which prevents the body from moving.
Most facilities have earplugs for patients to use during the scan and some even have headphones. If you are wearing earplugs or headphones, then you want to adjust them before going inside of the machine. Patients usually experience periods of quietness and loud buzzes, beeps and clicks. The noise is followed by vibrations and movement of the table.
The scanning stops when it is time to receive intravenous contrast. Some patients have to drink contrast material before the test. The contrast changes the magnetic fields to provide better images. It is important to not move while the contrast is being administered and the scanning is resumed. If you are thinking about getting a MRI, then you should schedule an appointment with SumaMRI. SumaMRI does Medical imaging in Minneapolis, MN and has experience with doing MRIs from different positions, which helps with diagnosing medical conditions.