In this day and age where the majority of goods are ordered online, it can be quite easy to accumulate an excessive amount of boxes. If your card boxes are beginning to pile up in your garage, here are some reasons why you may want to recycle them.
Prevent Deforestation –
Everyone knows how important trees are to the environment, however, many of the products that are used today come packaged in material that has been made from trees. By using corrugated cardboard recycling in New Braunfels, TX, you can help to minimize and even eliminate deforestation by simply turning in your old boxes so that they may be reused.
Reduce Greenhouse Gases –
The amount of pollution that is emitted into the air just to produce one cardboard box can wreak havoc on the environment. Although recycled paper must also go through the manufacturing process, the amount of energy needed to manufacture recycled paper is much less than what is needed for new.
Reduce Landfill Clutter –
Overflowing landfills seem to be a huge problem all around the world due to the number of goods being thrown away and left to simply sit. When you recycle, you eliminate some of that overflow by reusing products and repurposing them so that there is no need for them to go to the dump and take up valuable land space.
Corrugated cardboard recycling in New Braunfels, TX, can help you free up room in your home while also freeing up space on the planet, as well. The less stress that is put on the environment through air pollutants and land pollution, the better the air quality as well as the overall quality of life.
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